Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jersey Shore

Why are we interested in the characters?

  • The characters are funny to watch. It is amusing to watch them do stupid things and make mistakes in relation to their stereotypical personalities.

Do we relate to them or is it escapism?

  • I think it is escapism because their stereotypical personalities are nothing like people of our generation. The things they do are irrelevant to our lives.

Who is the target audience? (specifically)

  • 12-34

Pace of the show?

  • Some of the show is relaxed and just following the characters around, watching them get along with their day, sometimes doing individual interviews. But there is also a lot of drama where things like fighting and bitching are involved and the pace gets faster.

What form is the show?

  • The form is mostly fly on the wall, but there are also individual interviews where they talk to the camera.

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