VALS (Values and Lifestyles)
Thinkers- is a category of people who are motivated by ideals. Order, knowledge and responsibility are important to them. They are well educated. Reasonable incomes.
Values are: Durability, functionality, value in products.
Believers- is a category of people who are motivated by ideals. Moral codes and established order are important to them.
Values are: Familiar products and tend to be loyal customers.
Achievers- Motivated by the desire to succeed and are goal orientated, they are not big TV watchers and are time savers because they are always busy.
Strivers- Want to be something, but can’t quite get there, they are active consumers (as much as allows).
Experiencers- they are motivated by self-expression. They will try anything, go out and do anything. They are people that are enthusiastic and are Avid consumers.
Makers- Motivated by self-expression, practical work is a focus, tend to be suspicious and they are people that tend to be unimpressed by material possessions. They are more comfortable with basics rather than luxury gifts.
Innovators- Large disposable income, and they are people who enjoy the finer things in life. They are successful and sophisticated.
Survivors- People with few resources are considered survivors. They will be loyal to familiar brands and are modest consumers.
TAGS (Target Audience Grouping System)
Liberal Sophisticates- Well off and informed.
(Low consumers of TV)
Young Hopefuls- Half of 15- 24 years. Low incomes.
(High TV and Radio)
Settled Seniors- 57% are over 55, low income but good savers.
They are conservative and tend to stick to well known and familiar brands.
(TV and Radio; Newspaper, but not magazines)
Struggling Young Families- Centred around family, stick to a low budget.
(Low Media Consumers)
Comfortable Full-Nesters- Higher incomes, older, family orientated.
(Low TV, high DVD; High Media Consumers)
Lonely and Dissatisfied- Primarily older, lonely, and seem to have no purpose.
(Low Media Consumers)
Affluent Acquirers- Young 15-39 age group, are active consumers in all forms.
(Low TV, High Radio; Huge Media Consumers)
The Next Generation- 10-14 age group, this category accounts for 9% of the group above the age of 10.
(TV Dominated and Very Active)
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